Privacy Policy


Inmaximus Privacy Policy

Inmaximus is committed to keeping your personal information safe and secure. The Website contains basic information about the company and its services. If you have any questions regarding our Cookies & Privacy Policy, please email us at [email protected].

1. Application of This Policy

This privacy policy relates to:
  1. How we handle information received or collected about a visitor as an individual through our Website (the "Website");
  2. How we communicate with you as an individual; and
  3. Your rights as an individual regarding such information and communications.

2. Collection and Use of Your Personal Information

  1. We don't collect any visitor data from the Website using cookies or registration. The Website provides information about the company and its services to the clients.
  2. Any information about you as a visitor that we collect from the Website https://inmaximus will be used according to applicable data privacy laws specific to the regions. If you would like to have a copy of your personal information, please email us: [email protected]
  3. We will only collect your information when we have your consent.
  4. Your personal information will be collected if you subscribe to our services. For example, we would collect your name, email address, and services/queries information. We will never disclose or share personal data with third parties with your prior consent only for business connections, in which case we will take steps to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected.
  5. Your IP Address, a string of numbers unique to your computer, is recorded by our web server when you request any page or component of the Website. This information is used to monitor your Website usage and avoid DDOS attacks from hackers.

3. Registration privacy policy

  1. When you choose to subscribe, we will ask you for personal data about you, such as your name, address, and email address. This information enables us to:
    1. administer your account.
    2. communicate with you in a personal way about your business opportunities and other business-related information; and
    3. communicate with you to inform you about our other new opportunities matching your profile.
  2. The business marketing and communication department may use your data internally.
  3. We will not share your data with third-party service providers or agents to perform certain processing activities. We require these service providers to protect your data diligently.
  4. We will only release your data if, required by law, where necessary for preventing or combating fraud, where needed for dispute resolution, or any other pressing legitimate need under the circumstances.
  5. If you are opt-in for the option of receiving business opportunity notices, we will contact you in case of matching opportunities.

4. Protection of your information

  1. We take appropriate technical and organizational security measures against loss or unlawful processing of this data.
  2. We will retain your data within a reasonable timeframe after your last activity or as long as you are a candidate on an active requisition.
  3. . If you do not want your data to be retained, you may request deletion of your account by contacting us, or you can delete your profile through the Website. Your data will permanently be deleted from the servers and on the backup servers in the next backup cycle.
  4. We will only retain personal data related to your account to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

5. Your IP Address and Cookies

  1. We will not use your IP address to identify you and your personal information in any way.
  2. We don't use cookies for the website to recognize your preferred settings, e.g., to store your ID and password for future sessions.
  3. For further explanation of cookies, see the All About Cookie. In addition, you can set your browser not to accept cookies.

    If you have any questions regarding the use of cookies, please get in touch with us at [email protected].