Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

Rather than keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device, cloud-based storage makes it possible to save them to a remote database. As long as an electronic device has access to the web, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it.

Cloud computing is a popular option for people and businesses for a number of reasons including cost savings, increased productivity, speed and efficiency, performance, and security.


Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

Rather than keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device, cloud-based storage makes it possible to save them to a remote database. As long as an electronic device has access to the web, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it.

Cloud computing is a popular option for people and businesses for a number of reasons including cost savings, increased productivity, speed and efficiency, performance, and security.

Key Takeaways

  • Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet, including data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software..
  • Cloud-based storage makes it possible to save files to a remote database and retrieve them on demand.
  • Services can be both public and private—public services are provided online for a fee while private services are hosted on a network to specific clients.

Regardless of the kind of service, cloud computing services provide users with a series of functions including:

  • Email
  • Storage, backup, and data retrieval.
  • Analyzing data.
  • Audio and video streaming.
  • Delivering software on demand