Digital transformation


Digital transformation is not just a fashionable topic of recent times. This is the reality of many companies that want to remain competitive and heed the voice of the consumer. Discover a few inspiring digital transformation examples and meet the companies which managed it well, helping them enter a new level of growth.

  • Simply put, digital transformation (DX) is the integration of digital technology in all areas of a company’s operations. This leads to huge changes in its functioning and can also significantly affect customer satisfaction and product quality.New, innovative products and services are cropping up.
  • To undergo digital transformation, an organization is often forced to take radical steps and be ready for experiments and sometimes failures. Initially, it may seem that giving up known business processes is real madness, but it is madness induced by the times, where digital technologies are essential.
  • The effects of digital transformation can be seen at many levels of an organization’s functioning: the way employees work, how business processes work, and how to collect, analyze, and use data.

You can choose not to provide certain data to us, but you may not be able to use certain features of the Services.

  • Currently, new technological solutions are appearing on the market at a rapid pace. This may be referred to as the “second wave of digital transformation”. Robotics, machine learning, Big Data and artificial intelligence are becoming more and more common. According to Gartner, thirty-seven percent of companies have implemented AI in some form.
  • And the artificial intelligence market is still growing. Customers are accustomed to bots and AI mechanisms that provide, among others, recommendations on services such as Netflix or Spotify. Not surprisingly, 31% of companies plan to increase the share of artificial intelligence in their business.
  • To understand why businesses are experiencing a digital transformation, it’s important to note that, thanks to DX, companies have the opportunity to optimize operating costs as well as increase process efficiency. This leads not only to lower operating costs but also better customer service, production planning and supply chain management.